SIZE: 3767.37 SQ.FT.


In the realm of architectural development, the art lies not just in creating structures but in crafting them to seamlessly integrate with their surroundings. Two key principles that guide this process are character & layout and built form, as outlined in the proposal for our latest project. Let's delve into how we've meticulously balanced tradition and contemporary design to enhance the distinctive character and appearance of our community.

1. Character & Layout: Preserving the Essence of the Area

Our first commitment was to pay homage to the unique character and charm of the area where our project is located. We firmly believe that every new development should contribute positively to its environment. To achieve this, our layout prioritizes community linkages. We've designed well-thought-out footpaths and cycle paths that seamlessly connect our project to the surrounding area and local services. This not only enhances convenience but also fosters a sense of unity within the neighborhood.

2. Built Form: The Marriage of Tradition and Modernity

One of the most delicate aspects of architectural design is achieving harmony with the existing landscape and streetscape. Our approach is to reflect the local diversity of building types while embracing the best of contemporary design. Our choice of materials and architectural composition was a labor of love, as we sought to blend traditional components with a touch of modernity.

Material Palette: We've meticulously handpicked materials that resonate with the local aesthetics. The proposed first-floor extension, for instance, will be adorned in warm timber, a material that holds a special place in our community. To maintain continuity, the extension will also feature bricks matching those of the original house, ensuring that it seamlessly integrates into the existing streetscape.

Contemporary Flair: In the pursuit of a contemporary touch, we opted for glazing with a dark grey metal frame. This addition not only adds a modern edge but also maximizes natural light within the space, promoting energy efficiency and a vibrant indoor atmosphere.

Nature's Embrace: Our design extends beyond walls and roofs. Natural landscaping plays a pivotal role in softening the architectural lines. By integrating the natural tones of landscaping with the property's fabric, we aim to create a holistic experience that connects residents with the environment.

Minimal Visual Impact: Our commitment to respecting the prevailing landscape extends to the form of our extension. We've carefully studied the existing house's roof profile, ensuring that our first-floor extension complements it. The result? A proposal that fits effortlessly into its context, with minimal visual impact, ensuring that it doesn't disrupt the area's visual harmony.

In conclusion, our architectural design is a testament to the careful balance of tradition and contemporary innovation. We've diligently selected materials, designs, and layouts that both respect and elevate the distinctive character and charm of our community. Our project is not just about structures; it's about weaving a tapestry that enriches the very fabric of our neighborhood. We invite you to explore our work and witness the magic of harmonious architecture come to life.


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